But how do we address trust in a positive fashion to help us find balance in our lives?
At Work: Surround yourself
with trustworthy people. When working with new colleagues or hiring employees,
do your homework on them. Have they been recommended? And by whom? Also, use
your gut-o-meter. If it has a glitch of doubt, move on. Building trust with your co-workers is critical to developing a strong, successful
team – and helps tremendously in achieving balance.
At Home: It’s critical to foster an environment of trust with
those people who are most important to you. Family members and spouses must
establish absolute trust in each other and know that they are in it
as a team for the long-term.
In either situation, if trust is damaged, the road back is long and
rocky. But trust works both ways. Both parties must have a mutual sense of
trust in each other. How do you make yourself more trustworthy? Here are a few
qualities that will help:
Be reliable to those around you.
Be punctual at home and work.
Tell the truth and don’t lie just to please
Listen and understand people.
Keep things private that were told to you in
So, keep it simple, trust others with good probability. And by all
means, work on being trustworthy. Building mutual trust and support of your
team – at work and at home – is critical to finding balance in both.