Imagine being 17 years old, living with 7 younger sibling, sharing a single bed with 2 of them, attending school, volunteering in the community because you want to make a difference, mentoring and parenting your siblings, grocery shopping and cooking for them, working a summer job to put food on the table, and then working at the local BGC while donating hours, too, because you want to 'give back'.
Resonating so clearly in my head was my company's line..."balancing life and work together". At the recent BGC Awards Dinner in Dallas, Tony Spears won the Regional Youth of the Year Award. Congratulations, Tony! And great job, finalists!
It was my privilege to be one of the 5 judges who heard 8 stunning stories that day from young men and women who all were their state's winner.
My goodness! I had to refect on myself in terms of balance. And that energy...and motivation!! It became perfectly was what they could offer up to put themselves in a better place. Being in a better place is what drives them. The direction and content came from the beautiful people at the local Boys Girls Club.
Thank you, all, for giving me refreshed perspective on motivation, energy, and balance of life and work! And say, if you need a refresher course, just visit your local BGC and you might just find yourself joining in!